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Learning Tools

More Learning Tools and Devotion Inserts will continue to be added! Please sign up to receive our email updates to learn about new products as they are printed! If you are able to GIVE to the printing of more Learning Tools and Devotion Inserts, please click here.


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Draw, Reveal, Save, and Seal – A Biblical Prayer Guide

This bookmark measures 2.75 x 8.5 inches and may be included in an Art Card as a beautiful gift. The back of the bookmark includes 4 Biblical ways to pray for those who don’t know Jesus along with the Scripture verses. The front of the bookmark includes the 4 key words for these prayers as a reminder. To read an extended version of the back information, please see here


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His Name

This bookmark measures 3.66 x 8.5 inches and so may be included in an Art Card as a beautiful gift. The front includes the Name that God first declared of Himself to Moses. It also includes the Hebrew letters for that Name as well as for “Messiah” and “Yeshua” (Jesus). The background of the letters is an oil painting. The back of the bookmark includes an encouraging devotional about His Name and incarnation. To read an extended version of the back, please see Shale Fragments here.


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A Bible Overview

This 6-page tool measures 8.5 x 11 inches when closed; it can be folded again to fit into your Bible.

This Bible Overview is perfect for the serious student or for a friend who has never read the Bible and would like to grasp its message. Along with the inside chart, the other pages contains a brief summary of the Bible in 4 sections called The Wooing God, Jesus Christ the Messiah, The Old and New Testaments, and How to Understand the Bible.

The inside chart contains the Bible’s timeline at a glance, so that you can see how each book relates to the entire Bible. All 66 books of the Bible are indicated with red letters. Starting at the top of the chart, the major Old Testament stories are listed in chronological order in the first three lines followed by a list of the judges. Next, the nation of Israel moved from a theocracy with judges to a monarchy with kings. Next, the monarchy divided into the northern and southern kingdoms. Each king in each of the two kingdoms is named, along with more details and the respective Bible references.  Listed to the right of each kingdom are the prophets who spoke to those kingdoms. The themes of their messages are indicated with blue letters. Relevant empires and the New Testament are also included on this chart.


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Understanding Bible Genres

This tool measures 8.5 x 11 inches when closed; it can be folded again to fit into your Bible.

Genre is the literary type of a book. For example, some books of the Bible are written in the genre of a narrative with characters and plots that tell of real events in which we see God at work. Other portions contain law, poetry, wisdom, the cries of the prophets, and epistles of instruction and encouragement.

This document explains why it is important to understand Bible genres. It includes:  examples of how this understanding helps us to rightly apply Scripture; a list of the descriptions of each Bible genre; and a list of each book of the Bible with their respective genres and themes.


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The Work of Rest — A Study in the Book of Hebrews

This 6-page study tool summarizing the book of Hebrews measures 8.5 x 11 inches when closed. It can be used for personal and weekly group study. This book was written to wean Jewish believers from dependence on the law of Moses and to teach them (and us) to live in the New Covenant in Jesus their Messiah by RESTING, not in their own works for salvation, but in His power to do His work in and through them. (Hebrews 4:9-11)

Large crimson letters represent the sections of the book. All Scripture references are included, along with the author’s comparisons or other details.

The book of Hebrews contains many exhortations that I call SEEs (Strong Encouragement and Exhortations). The SEEs are noted in bright blue letters, along with reasons to heed them. When we heed the SEEs, we see Him more clearly and, thus, relate to Him more intimately. The SEEs can be read devotionally each day!


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Spiritual Gifts – A Greek Word Study

This tool measures 5.5 x 8.5 inches when folded; it can easily be kept in your Bible. The inside includes a complete list of spiritual gifts from 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Romans and 1 Peter, along with their meanings and a list of conclusions. The back includes a devotion! Our Learning Tools make great gifts for your Bible Study friends!


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Devotion Insert – Early Ear – a Quiet-Time Reminder

Early Ear is a 4 x 6-inch vibrant art card (postcard) that was designed to keep at your quiet-time location. The back of the card includes an encouraging devotion about listening to the Holy Spirit.  It is simply a beautiful card to include with any gift.  If you include it in one of our Flower Girl Greetings art cards, only one regular stamp is still required.


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Devotion – Deep Cry, Deep Love

Includes two devotions from Psalm 42. This 5.5 x 8.5-inch, front/back Devotion Page can be slipped into any Flower Girl Greetings art card. Only one regular stamp would be required to mail both. It may also be used for group Bible study, personal devotion and framing. Please see the images in the scroll to view the contents of this devotion.


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Devotion Insert – Noah’s Calling and Ours, Noah’s Rest and Ours

Includes two devotions. This 5.5 x 8.5-inch, front/back Devotion Page can be slipped into any Flower Girl Greetings art card. Only one regular stamp would be required to mail both. It may also be used for group Bible study, personal devotion and framing. Please see the images in the scroll to view the contents of this devotion.


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Devotion Insert – The Lens of His Love

Includes two devotions about understanding Scripture from the lens of His love. This 5.5 x 8.5-inch, front/back Devotion Page can be slipped into any Flower Girl Greetings art card. Only one regular stamp would be required to mail both. It may also be used for group Bible study, personal devotion and framing. Please see the images in the scroll to view the contents of this devotion.


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Freedom from Depression and Anxiety

This Learning Tool is a six-page document compiled and written by Beth Ann to help you or a friend come into healing from nervous illness. It concisely gives information on our bodies’ processes and responses, a 4-step cure, her story, and other helpful information.


To download the document for free, click here.

To receive the document by email for free, please send your name and email address through our contact form.

To receive a printed copy, please order here.


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From Light to Light – Our Savior’s Journey of Passion

This bookmark measures 3.66 x 8.5 inches. It is a beautiful gift. The front is an inspirational timeline of our Lord’s eternal life. The back includes three ways to reinforce God’s Word into our lives, a devotion and a prayer of thanksgiving. To read the text on the back please visit Shale Fragments here.


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The Prayer Dome

This bookmark measures 3.66 x 8.5 inches and so may be included in an Art Card. It is a prayer tool based on Matthew 16:19. The front includes a prayer. When you pray, place a person’s name on the line and their image in the middle of the prayer. The back includes an encouraging teaching about prayer. The Prayer Dome is a special gift to give or keep in your Bible.


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Bookmark – Psalm 4 – From Confined to Spacious

A 2 by 8-inch glossy bookmark.

This bookmark is a guide that reinforces the truth we learn from Psalm 4. It accompanies the Psalm 4 Retreat Leader’s Guide and Attendee Handout material at You can download free PDFs of these documents. The documents are written to make it easy for you to facilitate your own retreat.


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Bookmark – Roadmap to Revelation – Embracing Your True Identity in Christ

A 2 by 8-inch glossy bookmark.

This bookmark accompanies the Roadmap to Revelation study at Shale Fragments here. You may print the free PDF at the link.

This bookmark is also a perfect gift to include with your gift of the Who I am Personal Monthly Journal Collection, one of our most popular Collections and a great source of encouragement for everyone!

Front – 7 practical steps to embrace your true identity.

Back – A list of the characteristics Father has given us as His children and a Father’s Blessing.


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